首页> 外文OA文献 >MOTIF PEMIRSA TELEVISI SURABAYA DALAM MENONTONudACARAudVARIETY SHOWud“EAT BULAGA INDONESIA” DI SCTVud(Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Tentang Motif Pemirsa Televisi SurabayaudTerhadap AcaraudVariety ShowudEat Bulaga Indonesia Segmen KuisudIndonesia Pintar di SCTV)

MOTIF PEMIRSA TELEVISI SURABAYA DALAM MENONTONudACARAudVARIETY SHOWud“EAT BULAGA INDONESIA” DI SCTVud(Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Tentang Motif Pemirsa Televisi SurabayaudTerhadap AcaraudVariety ShowudEat Bulaga Indonesia Segmen KuisudIndonesia Pintar di SCTV)

机译:sURaBaYa电视观众观看的动机活动 UD各种表演sCTV上的“EaT BULaGa INDONEsIa”(苏腊巴亚电视观众图案的定量描述性研究.Ud走向事件综艺节目吃Bulaga Indonesia Quiz segment印度尼西亚智能sCTV)


Motive Television Viewers Watching In Surabaya Variety Show Events “EatudBulaga Indonesia” In SCTVud. Presence technology is a major influence inudpeople's lives. Along with the increasing number of human needs. Needs is whatudcauses the onset of motives. Surely motif between one individual with anotherudindividual not the same. Individuals became active in choosing which media canudbe a means to meet their needs. Variety show "Eat Bulaga Indonesia" SCTVudpresents a varied segment. This program provides information, entertainment,udeducation and social issues. In a study using the uses and gratifications theoryudbecause the main problem is how to change the attitudes and behavior of mediaudaudiences, but how social media to meet the needs of the audience. Audiencesudwho actively use the media to achieve specific objectives. This study analyzes theudphenomenon which refers to the information motive, the motive of personaludidentity, integration and social interaction motif, and the motif of entertainment.udThis study analyzes the phenomenon which refers to the information motive, theudmotive of personal identity, integration and social interaction motif, and the motifudof entertainment. Withdrawal of samples used in this study multistage clusterudrandom sampling. Techniques of data collection using a questionnaire with audLikert scale. Data analysis using descriptive. Samples were Surabaya viewersudaged 12 years and over who watched the show "Eat Bulaga Indonesia" SCTV.udDistribution of questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents and direct visit to theudSouth Surabaya and East Surabaya. The results of this study it can be concludedudthat there are four underlying motive in watching the show "Eat BulagaudIndonesia" SCTV, in information on the category of being. Meanwhile, the motiveudof personal identity, integration and social interaction motives or motives ofudentertainment in the high category. On the other hand they want to get up to dateudinformation and not just the interests of entertainment only but look at the moraludmessage delivered by the host.udKeywordud: Motif, television viewers Surabaya, the variety show "Eat BulagaudIndonesia in the segment Indonesia pintar Quis" in SCTV.
机译:观看泗水综艺节目的动机电视观众在SCTV ud中观看“ Eat udBulaga Indonesia”。在场技术是影响人们生活的主要因素。随着人类需求的增加。需求是动机的起因。当然,一个人与另一个人双人之间的主题不一样。个人开始积极选择哪种媒体可以满足他们的需求。综艺节目“ Eat Bulaga Indonesia” SCTV 代表不同的部分。该计划提供信息,娱乐,教育和社会问题。在使用使用和满足理论的研究中,主要问题是如何改变媒体受众的态度和行为,而是社交媒体如何满足受众的需求。观众 udw谁积极使用媒体来实现特定的目标。本研究分析了指信息动机,个人身份动机,整合和社交互动动机以及娱乐动机的“现象”。 ud本文分析了指信息动机,个人动机动机的现象。身份,融合和社交互动主题,以及娱乐主题。抽取本研究中使用的多阶段聚类无规抽样的样本。使用具有 udLikert量表的问卷进行数据收集的技术。数据分析采用描述性。样本来自泗水观众,他们的年龄在12岁以上,他们观看了节目“ Eat Bulaga Indonesia” SCTV。 ud向100位受访者分发了问卷,并直接访问了 udSouth Surabaya和East Surabaya。这项研究的结果可以得出结论 ud,在存在类别的信息中,观看“ Eat Bulaga udIndonesia” SCTV节目有四个潜在动机。同时,个人身份,融合和社会互动的动机娱乐的动机或高品位的动机。另一方面,他们希望了解最新的 udinformation信息,而不仅仅是娱乐的利益,而是查看主持人提供的道德 udmessage。 udKeyword ud:Motif,电视观众泗水,综艺节目“ Eat Bulaga ud印度尼西亚在SCTV中的“印度尼西亚pintar Quis”部分中。


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  • 入库时间 2022-08-31 16:46:57


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