首页> 外文OA文献 >Evaluation of Gratiana spadicea (Klug, 1829) and Metriona elatior (Klug, 1829) (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) for the biological control of sticky nightshade Solanum sisymbriifolium Lamarck (Solanaceae) in South Africa

Evaluation of Gratiana spadicea (Klug, 1829) and Metriona elatior (Klug, 1829) (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) for the biological control of sticky nightshade Solanum sisymbriifolium Lamarck (Solanaceae) in South Africa

机译:评价南非香spa(Klug,1829)和Metriona elatior(Klug,1829)(金眼科(Crysomelidae:Cassidinae))对南非粘性夜茄茄(Solanum sisymbriifolium Lamarck(Solanaceae))的生物控制。



Solanum sisymbriifolium (sticky nightshade) is a shrubby weed of South American origin that was introduced to South Africa at the turn of the century. Despite being indicative of disturbed habitats, the weed was found to be invasive in conservation, agricultural recreational and suburban areas; this, coupled with the failure of both chemical and mechanical control attempts suggested that the weed was a good candidate for biological control. A biological control programme which followed a standard protocol was initiated. Observations suggested that S. sisymbriifolium dispersed primarily by seeds. Plants produced large quantities of fleshy fruit, favoured by frugivorous birds, which facilitated the rapid spread of the weed into new habitats. The seeds germinated quickly, especially in disturbed soil, often below the parent plant where they dropped from burst fruit, and along fences where birds roost. The pre-introductory survey of the weed revealed that S. sisymbriifolium was attacked by a relatively small number of, mainly polyphagous, herbivorous insects. These were localised and sporadic in incidence and inflicted very little observable damage. The herbivore fauna of S. sisymbriifolium was depauperate even in relation to two other exotic weeds, S. elaeaglllfolium and S. mauritianum, in South Africa. The paucity of native herbivores on S. sisymbriifoliwn was ascribed to a combination of the weed's taxonomic distinctness from South African Solanum species, and the dense covering of glandular trichomes on its leaves. Although it was shown that the exudate produced bythese glandular trichomes of S. sisymbriifolium seriously impeded the movement and feeding of native herbivores, there was not enough evidence to suggest that the glandular trichomes, alone could have been responsible the lack of herbivores on the weed. Two leaf-feeding Cassidinae Gratiana spadicea and MetJ-iona elatior were screened as agents for the biological control of S. sisymbrilfolium. Favourable biologkal characteristics for both species included a high rate of increase, long-lived adults, many generations per year, and a high per capita feeding rate. Host range was investigated in larval survival tests and adult choice tests. The larvae of both species were reared through to the adult stage on several of the native Solanum species tested, and also on eggplant (S. melongena). However, the survival of G. spadicea on the majority of these species was very low, suggesting that the beetles would be unlikely to attack them in the field. This was supported by the adult choice tests, where G. spadicea females display~d, a strong oviposition preference for theirnatural host. In contrast, M. elatior larvae survived well on non-host plants, and the females selected several non-host species, including eggplant for oviposition. It was argued that the conflict of interests involving eggplant was overrated because eggplant is subjected to astringent insecticide spray regime. Based on this evidence, permission for release was granted for G. spadicea. The impact of native parasitoid host range extensions to weed biological control agents in South Africa was investigated. Native parasitoids were recorded from nearly half of the agent species that had established on their target weed. The level of concealment and taxon influenced susceptibility of the agents to parasitoid attack Poorly concealed endophagous agents were most susceptible to 'attack, while exposed feeders were fairly free from attack.However, native parasitoids were reported not to strongly influence weed biological control agent populations and it was concluded that no agent should be rejected based only on its susceptibility to native parasitoid attack. Finally, several predictions are made as to the potential success of G. spadicea on S. sisymbriifolium and some of the challenges facing the biological control of weeqs. are discussed.
机译:茄night(Solaum sisymbriifolium)是一种南美南美杂草,在本世纪初被引入南非。尽管有迹象表明栖息地受到干扰,但杂草在保护区,农业休闲区和郊区仍被入侵。加上化学和机械控制的失败,表明该杂草是生物控制的良好候选者。开始遵循标准方案的生物防治程序。观察结果表明,剑叶葡萄球菌主要通过种子分散。植物产生了大量的肉质水果,受到食肉类鸟类的青睐,这促进了杂草快速传播到新的栖息地。种子发芽很快,尤其是在受干扰的土壤中,发芽速度通常快于亲本植物的下方,从破裂的果实中掉下来,并沿着栅栏栖息。对该杂草的引种前调查表明,剑叶沙门氏菌受到相对少量的食草昆虫的攻击,主要是多食性的。这些是局部性的,零星的发病率,几乎没有造成可观察到的破坏。甚至与南非的另外两种外来杂草S. elaeaglllfolium和S. mauritianum相比,S。sisymbriifolium的草食动物区系也退化了。 S. sisymbriifoliwn上缺乏天然食草动物,是由于杂草与南非茄属植物的分类学差异明显,以及其叶子上腺毛状体的密集覆盖所致。尽管已证明这些剑兰沙门氏菌的毛状毛产生的渗出液严重阻碍了天然草食动物的移动和进食,但没有足够的证据表明单独的腺毛可能是杂草缺乏草食动物的原因。筛选了两种以叶片取食的南美白assi(Cassidinae Gratiana spadicea)和MetJ-iona elatior作为生物防治sisymbrilfolium的药剂。两种物种的良好生物逻辑特征包括高增长率,成年寿命长,每年数代,以及高人均摄食率。在幼虫生存测试和成年选择测试中研究了宿主范围。将这两个物种的幼虫在几种经过测试的本地茄属物种以及茄子(S. melongena)上饲养到成年阶段。但是,在这些物种中的大多数物种上,G。spadicea的存活率很低,这表明甲虫不太可能在田间攻击它们。这由成年选择测试支持,在此测试中,西班牙假腿G雌虫表现出对自然宿主强烈的排卵偏好。相反,M。elatior幼虫在非寄主植物上存活良好,雌性选择了几种非寄主物种,包括茄子进行产卵。有人认为,涉及茄子的利益冲突被高估了,因为茄子要经受涩味杀虫剂喷雾。基于此证据,已批准释放G. spadicea。调查了天然寄生寄生虫宿主范围扩展对南非杂草生物防治剂的影响。在目标杂草上已经建立了近一半的病原体物种中记录了天然寄生虫。隐蔽和分类单元的水平影响了病原体对类寄生虫侵袭的敏感性。隐蔽性很弱的内吞噬菌体最容易受到“攻击”,而暴露的饲养者则相当不受攻击。得出的结论是,不应仅基于对自然寄生虫侵袭的敏感性就拒绝任何药剂。最后,关于金龟子在S. sisymbriifolium上的潜在成功以及Weeqs的生物学控制面临的一些挑战,做出了一些预测。讨论。


  • 作者

    Hill Martin Patrick;

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  • 年度 1995
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  • 正文语种 {"code":"en","name":"English","id":9}
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