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An evolution of near surface geophysical imaging : directionality, physical properties and challenging conventional wisdom




The fundamental changes in applied geophysics in the last few decades have to a greatextent been in the development of near-surface geophysics (NSG) – what used to be calledenvironmental and engineering geophysics. In some locations and for some purposes, it stillis. The developments in my publications have, to some extent, paralleled and sometimesforeshadowed some significant developments.My earliest papers were on marine electromagnetic (EM) sounding, and some of thosepapers are still cited. The work from my PhD and my post-doctoral fellowship laid thegroundwork for what was to become controlled source EM (CSEM), a technique of growingimportance in marine oil and gas exploration. Because the depths involved were less than 1km, it can still perhaps be called “near surface”, but that was not the original intention.However, a theme central to that early work has carried on, explicitly or implicitly,through much of my research – anisotropy and the directionality of the geophysical response. Oneof my early theoretical papers was on the inclusion of anisotropy in Maxwell’s equations, andrecent papers have used the directionality of the EM response as a tool in archaeological imaging.Another pair of linked themes that have recurred almost from the beginning are theinfluence of physical properties on the geophysical response, and the inter-relationships ofphysical properties. It allowed me to determine the physical property variations at depth inMiddle Valley, on the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge. Those predictions were confirmed by theresults from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 139, which drilled those Middle Valley sites.While the marine research was interesting and rewarding, I was also moving more andmore onshore, and began doing archaeological imaging in the late 1980’s. Much of that workwas focussed around student projects, but then expanded into forensic geoscience, andultimately to the non-invasive imaging of burial sites. That work continues today.The onshore research also allowed me to move from EM induction methods into groundpenetrating radar (GPR), which involved the propagation of high-frequency EM waves. Thereare many hypotheses and approaches to GPR that were based on incorrect assumptions. Forexample, it was often assumed that rocky debris in debris-covered and debris-laden glacierswould not prevent the propagation of significant GPR energy at depth, an assumption that weproved wrong. The publication from 1994 on GPR imaging of the debris-covered lower TasmanGlacier was not followed by a paper by other researchers on GPR imaging of debris-ladenglaciers until 1997, and GPR is now a common technique for imaging of all types of glaciers.Thus glacier imaging has been an ongoing application, and has expanded to includeimaging of permafrost, including 4-dimensional (4D) imaging, i.e. time lapse 3-dimensional(3D) imaging, of permafrost polygonal patterned ground (PPG) in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica.The utility of near-surface geophysics in Antarctica has expanded greatly over the years.Similarly, surface water was assumed to degrade GPR signal penetration. Again, this wasbased on an incorrect assumption – that water was inherently conductive. While the presenceof water does increase the electrical conductivity, if the water is fresh then the conductivitystill remains quite low, and the attenuation of the GPR signal is minimal.6Thus the applications for EM and GPR have expanded, and the principles andapplications are better understood now, ranging from archaeological and forensic geoscience,through non-destructive testing (NDT) and other geotechnical projects, to neotectonics andthe imaging of active faults. Recently, I and my students have combined GPR more and morewith electrical imaging. The two complement each other nicely.Finally, I have included two review papers, each in the section of greatest relevance. Irecognise that this is not standard practice, but one from 1996 was used as a benchmark and astarting point for the later reviews of the environmental applications of EM, and the other from2011 provides what I hope will be a paper used to help glacier imaging surveys to be betterdesigned and completed. Both also include recent research results that had yet to bepublished, and thus represented the state of the art.I would note that I have included a number of papers from conference proceedings. Inapplied geophysics, the conference papers are normally peer reviewed, just as in engineering.Sometimes those papers are then expanded and augmented and subsequently published inpeer-reviewed journals. If the peer-reviewed conference papers were later published as peerreviewedjournal articles, then the journal article is included here.There are papers I decided not to include because they did not fit into the overall theme ofthis collection of papers – the evolution of my work in near-surface geophysics, which I tookvery broadly to embrace my work in marine geophysics as well. The papers not included herewere two papers on paleoclimatology, for which I did the crucial spectral analysis, and threepapers on social science and philosophy of science. I also excluded a few papers that weresuperseded by later work.There appears to be no set configuration to the form of a DSc, beyond collecting thepapers together into some sort of coherent form that reflects the themes the work represents.In principle, a collection of papers submitted for the DSc represents the best of a lifetime ofwork. However, I hope that my best work is still to come. Only time will tell if that is true.For the papers submitted here, I have done a significant amount of the work, if not themajority of the work. In the case of papers based on student projects that I supervised, if thestudent wrote the first draft, then I made them first author, regardless of how much additionalwork was required to get the paper to its published form.
机译:在过去的几十年中,应用地球物理学的根本变化在很大程度上是近地表地球物理学(NSG)的发展-近来被称为环境和工程地球物理学。在某些位置和出于某些目的,它仍然处于静止状态。我的出版物的发展在一定程度上是并行的,有时甚至被某些重大的发展所掩盖。我最早的论文是关于海洋电磁(EM)测深的,至今仍被引用。我的博士学位和博士后的研究工作为后来成为受控源电磁(CSEM)的技术奠定了基础,该技术在海洋油气勘探中的重要性日益提高。因为所涉及的深度小于1 km,所以它仍然可以被称为“近表面”,但这并不是最初的意图。但是,通过我的许多研究工作,明确或隐含地进行了早期工作的主题–各向异性和地球物理响应的方向性。我的早期理论论文之一是关于在麦克斯韦方程中包含各向异性,最近的论文将EM响应的方向性用作考古成像的工具。几乎从一开始就出现的另一对关联主题是物理性质对地球物理响应以及物理属性之间的相互关系。它使我能够确定胡安德富卡山脊北部中谷的深度物理性质变化。海洋钻探计划(ODP)第139条腿的钻探结果证实了这些预测。尽管海洋研究有趣且有意义,但我也越来越多地在岸上作业,并于1980年代后期开始进行考古成像。大部分工作集中在学生项目上,然后扩展到法医地球科学,最后扩展到墓地的非侵入式成像。这项工作一直持续到今天。在陆上的研究还使我从电磁感应方法转移到涉及高频电磁波传播的探地雷达(GPR)。 GPR有许多基于错误假设的假设和方法。例如,人们通常认为,在覆盖有碎屑的和充满碎屑的冰川中的岩石碎屑不会阻止大量深层GPR能量在深处传播,这一假设被证明是错误的。 1994年发表的有关覆盖有残骸的下塔斯曼冰川的GPR成像的出版物直到1997年才被其他研究人员发表关于残骸-冰川的GPR成像的论文,而GPR现在已成为对所有类型的冰川成像的常用技术。成像技术一直在进行中,并且已扩展到包括永冻土的成像,包括南极干旱谷中永冻土多边形图案地面(PPG)的4维(4D)成像,即延时3D(3D)成像。这些年来,南极近地表地球物理学的应用已大大扩展,同样,地表水也被认为会降低GPR信号的穿透能力。同样,这是基于一个错误的假设-水本身具有导电性。虽然水的存在确实增加了电导率,但是如果水很新鲜,则电导率仍然很低,并且GPR信号的衰减很小。6因此,EM和GPR的应用范围已经扩大,原理和应用现在得到了更好的理解从考古学和法医地球科学到无损检测(NDT)和其他岩土工程项目,从新构造学到活动断层成像,应有尽有。最近,我和我的学生越来越多地将GPR与电子成像相结合。两者很好地互补。最后,我在相关性最高的部分中包括了两篇评论文章。人们不知道这不是标准做法,而是将1996年以来的一个作为以后对EM环境应用的审查的基准和起点,而2011年以后的另一个则提供了我希望能用来帮助冰川成像调查的论文。更好地设计和完成。两者都包括尚未发表的最新研究成果,因此代表了最新技术。我要指出的是,我收录了会议论文集中的许多论文。在没有应用地球物理学的情况下,通常会像在工程学中一样对会议论文进行同行评审。有时会对这些论文进行扩展和扩充,然后再发表经同行评审的期刊。如果经过同行评审的会议论文后来作为同行评审的期刊论文发表,那么该期刊的文章也将包含在此处。我决定不包括这些论文,因为它们不符合论文集的总体主题–我工作的演变近地表地球物理学,我也广泛地将其纳入海洋地球物理学领域。此处未包括在内的论文有两篇关于古气候学的论文,其中我做了关键的光谱分析,还有三篇关于社会科学和科学哲学的论文。我还排除了一些被以后的工作取代的论文.DSc的形式似乎没有固定的配置,除了将论文收集在一起以某种连贯的形式来反映作品所代表的主题之外。为DSc提交的论文代表了一生中最好的工作。但是,我希望我最好的工作仍在继续。只有时间才能证明这是真的。对于这里提交的论文,我做了很多工作,即使不是大部分。对于基于我指导的学生项目的论文,如果学生写了第一稿,那么我就让他们成为第一作者,无论需要多少额外的工作才能将论文转换为发表的形式。


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    Nobes David C.;

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