首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Veterans Benefits Administration: Focusing on Results in VocationalRehabilitation and Education Programs. Statement of Cynthia M. Fagnoni, Acting Associate Director, Veterans' Affairs and Military Health Care Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services

Veterans Benefits Administration: Focusing on Results in VocationalRehabilitation and Education Programs. Statement of Cynthia M. Fagnoni, Acting Associate Director, Veterans' Affairs and Military Health Care Issues, Health, Education, and Human Services

机译:退伍军人福利管理局:关注职业康复和教育计划的成果。 Cynthia m. Fagnoni,退伍军人事务和军事医疗保健问题,健康,教育和人类服务代理副主任的发言



The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) in implementing the GovernmentPerformance and Results Act of 1993 (known as GPRA or the Results Act). In summary, VBA has taken an important first step in implementing the Results Act, but this process is an evolving one. To date, VBA has developed a strategic plan with a mission and goals and has begun consulting with the Congress and other stakeholders to obtain their views on its plan. For the vocational rehabilitation and educational assistance programs, VBA has identified specific goals and measures that are primarily process oriented. While these goals and measures are important, they key to successful implementation of the act is to focos on results.



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