首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Status Review of Pacific Herring ('Clupea pallasi') in Puget Sound, Washington

Status Review of Pacific Herring ('Clupea pallasi') in Puget Sound, Washington

机译:华盛顿普吉特湾太平洋鲱鱼('Clupea pallasi')的现状评述



The National Marine Fisheries Service received a petition on February 8, 1999, tolist 18 species of marine fishes in Puget Sound under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA 1973) (Wright 1999). The ESA allows the listing of 'distinct population segments' of vertebrate species or subspecies as threatened or endangered, if severe declines in abundance indicate substantial risks are facing the species. NMFS evaluated the petition for each species to determine whether the petitioner provided 'substantial information' as required by the ESA to list a species. The agency also reviewed other readily available information and consulted with state and tribal biologists to determine whether general agreement existed on the uniqueness, distribution, abundance and threats to the petitioned species/populations. This document reports the results of a comprehensive ESA status review of Pacific herring in Puget Sound. Biological, ecological and genetic information for populations throughout the species' distribution were also considered to provide a context for evaluating information for populations of these species in Puget Sound.



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