首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Monitoring Stocks of Concern in Pine Creek

Monitoring Stocks of Concern in Pine Creek




In 1995, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) concluded that it intendedto list steelhead of the Klamath Mountains Province (KMP) as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (Federal Register Notice, Vol. 60. No. 51, 16 (March 1995)). At that time, NMFS had failed to find any evidence of naturally self-sustaining steelhead populations within the KMP. Pine Creek is a major drainage within the Klamath basin, and once provided ideal habitat for steelhead and other anadromous salmonids. Past land management has compromised Pine Creek's juvenile salmonid output. The objective of this project was to monitor fish and habitat restoration efforts to assess the relative success of restoration prescriptions conducted within the Pine Creek drainage. In-stream sampling was conducted to index the abundance of juvenile salmonids within the Pine Creek watershed. Adult escapement was monitored with periodic spawner/redd surveys in reaches of Pine Creek. A sediment recruitment study was also conducted.



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