首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Final Report of the Chesapeake Bay Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee's Workshop: Understanding 'Lag Times' Affecting the Improvement of Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay. Held in Annapolis, Maryland on May 19-20, 2004

Final Report of the Chesapeake Bay Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee's Workshop: Understanding 'Lag Times' Affecting the Improvement of Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay. Held in Annapolis, Maryland on May 19-20, 2004

机译:切萨皮克湾科技咨询委员会研讨会的最终报告:了解“滞后时代”对切萨皮克湾水质改善的影响。 2004年5月19日至20日在马里兰州安纳波利斯举行



The objectives of the STAC Lag Time Workshop were to (1) provide the CBP with a better understanding of the factors affecting the 'lag time' associated with improving water quality and SAV in the Bay and (2) provide recommendations for improved monitoring and modeling of these factors. By holding this workshop in 2004, the information will be available for use to help improve development of monitoring and modeling approaches and implementation of tributary strategies. The workshop included sessions for each of the major 'lag time' components: The time between planning and implementation of a management practice; The influence of watershed properties on movement of nutrients and sediment to the Bay; and The time between a load reduction to the Bay and the actual improvement in water quality and SAV.



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