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Long Term Bed Degradation in Western Maryland Streams.




Federal and Maryland state standards and policies require that bridge foundations be evaluated and designed to resist worst-case conditions of scour and channel instability that may occur over the service life of the bridge. Recently implemented policies also require that crossings accommodate passage of aquatic organisms. An important component of the evaluation and design processes is the estimation of long-term changes in stream bed elevations which may occur due to down-cutting of the stream bed (degradation) or raising of the bed by deposition of sediment (aggradation). Existing guidelines for assessing potential long-term bed degradation in Maryland streams require expertise that may not be available and/or field studies that, depending on the project budgets, may be cost prohibitive, especially for replacement of county structures. The morphological techniques recommended by these guidelines also lack verification data and may lead to overly conservative estimates, unnecessarily large foundation depths, and consequently, significantly higher costs. For this reason, the Structure Hydraulics and Hydrology Division initiated a study to determine long-term bed degradation associated with MD streams.



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