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World Weather Watch: Cost/Performance Analysis Study




The results of the study indicate that evolutionary implementation of an operational WWW configuration employing new technology is feasible by 1975. Such a system would serve to reduce annual costs while fully providing the desired coverage. The Phase I First Stream WWW would utilize conventional communications entirely, with some augmentation of ocean-area coverage by moving ships of opportunity carrying observer crews to make surface and upper-air measurements. During this time, the parallel Second Stream Technology Development effort will continue research and development of satellite communications techniques and new observation platforms and sensors, such as horizontal-sounding balloons, buoys, and satellite sensors. It is recommended that at the earliest possible time, the First Stream global communications subsystem be converted to a satellite system for both data collection and product dissemination. It is recommended that emphasis be placed on the development of instruments (perhaps similar in nature to the temperature profile sensing devices that will become operational before 1975) for remotely sensing atmospheric state parameters from orbiting satellites. It is also recommended that WWW systems studies and operational analyses be continued in conjunction with changing and updating of system requirements. (Author)



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