首页> 美国政府科技报告 >The Development of Health and Safety Indices for the Evaluation of Underground Coal Mining Systems.

The Development of Health and Safety Indices for the Evaluation of Underground Coal Mining Systems.




The primary objectives of this study were to Determine the relationships in underground coal mining systems that affect the health and safety of mine personnel, including consideration of mining methods, unit operations, coal seam characteristics, roof conditions, etc.; develop these relationships into quantitative health and safety indices; develop a computer based model for projecting and evaluating health and safety profiles for specific mining systems; establish the groundwork for a further study, incorporating these data into an overall underground systems optimization procedure. A three-year data bank was developed containing employment and injury data on 203 underground bituminous coal mines in Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Statistical analysis of the information in the data bank was undertaken to determine the relationships that affect the health and safety of mine personnel. Three types of indices were developed for use in evaluating health and safety aspects of underground coal mining systems.



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