首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Zanzare, Flebotomi e Zecche: Atlante Bibliografico delle Specie d'Interesse Sanitario in Italia (1985-2009). (Mosquitos, Sand Flies and Ticks: Bibliographical Atlas of Species of Medical Importance in Italy (1985-2009).)

Zanzare, Flebotomi e Zecche: Atlante Bibliografico delle Specie d'Interesse Sanitario in Italia (1985-2009). (Mosquitos, Sand Flies and Ticks: Bibliographical Atlas of Species of Medical Importance in Italy (1985-2009).)

机译:Zanzare,Flebotomi e Zecche:atlante Bibliografico delle specie d'Interesse sanitario in Italia(1985-2009)。 (蚊子,沙蝇和蜱虫:意大利医学重要物种的书目地图集(1985-2009)。)



Italy harbours a noteworthy entomological fauna of public health significance from both medical and veterinary points of view. Mosquitoes, sand flies, and ticks are the most important taxa, with many species recognised as either potential or confirmed vectors. However, information about their geographic distributions in Italy is still fragmented, with several information scattered in the literature, which has never been reviewed with the aim of mapping the available bibliographical records. This atlas uses validated bibliographical records for the time period 1/1/1985 - 31/12/2009 to give an overview on the topic by mapping, at the municipal level, the records of 14 species of mosquitoes, 6 of sand flies, and 11 of ticks. Being aware of the interpretation limits arising from the exclusive use of this kind of information, this atlas is intended as a first step concerning the harmonised collection and mapping of bibliographical records on arthropod vectors in Italy. It is also proposed as a dynamic tool to be updated regularly, making the point on the literature so far produced.




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