首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Using Articulation Index Band Correlations to Objective Estimate Speech Intelligibility Consistent with the Modified Rhyme Test. 2013 IEEE Workshop on Application of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics October 20-23, 2013, New Paltz, NY.

Using Articulation Index Band Correlations to Objective Estimate Speech Intelligibility Consistent with the Modified Rhyme Test. 2013 IEEE Workshop on Application of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics October 20-23, 2013, New Paltz, NY.

机译:使用关节指数带相关性与客观估计语音清晰度与修正韵律测试一致。 2013年IEEE信号处理应用于音频和声学研讨会2013年10月20日至23日,纽约新帕尔茨。



We present an objective estimator of speech intelligibility that follows the paradigm of the Modified Rhyme Test (MRT). For each input, the estimator uses temporal correlations within articulation index bands to select one of six possible words from a list. The rate of successful word identification becomes the measure of speech intelligibility, as in the MRT. The estimator is called Articulation Band Correlation MRT (ABC-MRT). It consumes a tiny fraction of the resources required by MRT testing. ABC-MRT has been tested on a wide range of impaired speech recordings unseen during development. The resulting Pearson correlations between ABC-MRT and MRT results range from .95 to .99. These values exceed those of the other estimators tested. Index Terms— ABC-MRT, articulation.



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