首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Wood Structure and Quality in Natural Stands of 'Salix caprea' L. and 'Salix pentandra' L

Wood Structure and Quality in Natural Stands of 'Salix caprea' L. and 'Salix pentandra' L

机译:'salix caprea'L。和'salix pentandra'L。天然林木材结构与品质



Wood anatomy and physical properties in Salix caprea and Salix pentandra growing at different sites in Sweden were investigated. The mean length of fibers was 0.8 mm and of vessels 0.4 mm in both species. The length of the tracheary elements increased in a gradient from the pith towards the cambium in the transverse section of the wood. Longitudinally, the cell length increased from the base to breast-height followed by a decrease towards the top of the tree. No significant differences were found between the two species in this respect. Mean width of fibers was the same in both species, vessel width was significantly greater in S. caprea than in S. pentandra. Type and distribution of cells and cell wall thickness were similar in both species. Cell dimensions within the annual ring were investigated. The mean specific gravity of stem wood, branches and the bark in S. caprea was significantly higher than in S. pentandra, which species had a significantly higher moisture content in the stem wood and branches. Bark percentage was higher in S. pentandra than in S. caprea. (Copyright (c) 1989 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.)



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