首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Analysis of Design on Tujunga Wash Channel Improvement, Los Angeles River to Hansen Dam, Beachy Avenue to Hansen Dam, Station 362+00 to Station 499+88.27, Mile 6.86 to Mile 9.47

Analysis of Design on Tujunga Wash Channel Improvement, Los Angeles River to Hansen Dam, Beachy Avenue to Hansen Dam, Station 362+00 to Station 499+88.27, Mile 6.86 to Mile 9.47

机译:在图洪加洗航道整治,洛杉矶河汉森大坝,像海滨大道汉森大坝,水电站设计分析362 + 00到499台88.27 +,大道至6.86 9.47英里



This report covers the analysis of the design involved in preparation of the plans and specifications for construction by contract of channel improvement for the reach between Beachy Avenue to Hansen Dam on the Tujunga Wash Channel, tributary to the Los Angeles River, in the San Fernando Valley located in the north western part of the City of Los Angeles. The plans and specifications include federal and non-federal construction along this reach of channel improvement. The principal item of improvement within this reach consists of 13,787 feet of rectangular reinforced concrete channel 60 feet in width, with wall heights varying from 8 feet to 11 feet. The estimated cost of the construction proposed under this contract, based on current unit prices for similar construction in the vicinity is $1,744,976.



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