首页> 美国政府科技报告 >N2 Pressure - Broadened O3 Line Widths and Strengths Near 1129.4 cm-1

N2 Pressure - Broadened O3 Line Widths and Strengths Near 1129.4 cm-1

机译:N2压力 - 扩大的O3线宽度和强度接近1129.4 cm-1



A Beer's Law experiment was performed with a tunable diode laser to find the N2 pressure broadening characteristics of a single 03 absorption line at 1129.426 cm for N2 pressures from 10 to 100 torr (O3 pressure = 3.16 torr). SO2 line positions were used for wavelength calibration. Line shapes were interatively fitted to a Lorentz function. Results were delta (HWHM in MHz) = 47.44 (+ or - 5.34) MHz + 1.730 (+ or - 0.088) MHz/torr *p(torr) with sigma = 0.9897. This intercept compares well with the Doppler O3 - O3 broadened (at 3.16 torr) width of 44.52 Hz. This result in a HWHM line width of 0.44 cm atm at 760 torr and 285 K. The line strengths integrated over delta nu = 0.55 cm were found to be N2 pressure dependent.



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