首页> 美国政府科技报告 >ROSAT Guest Investigator Program (Ao-1). On a Search for Coronal X ray Emissionsfrom White Dwarfs (Period Ending June 1992)

ROSAT Guest Investigator Program (Ao-1). On a Search for Coronal X ray Emissionsfrom White Dwarfs (Period Ending June 1992)




We have suggested that cool magnetic white dwarfs may be sources of X-ray coronalemission and proposed several prominent candidates for this emission. One of these candidates (EG 250) was approved for the C-category observation by the National and International Committee and was observed by ROSAT on April 17, 1991. Unfortunately, the granted exposure time (1071 s) was much shorter than that which was required by theoretical predictions to observe coronal X-ray emission from this object. The tape containing the data was send to us in November 1991. Since then we have analyzed the data visiting the ROSAT Science Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The analysis of the data taken during this short observation show, as expected, no X-rays. It is our hope that EG 250 will be observed again during the AO-2 phase of pointed observations, as 10,000 s of observing time was granted to V. Trimble for the C-category observation of this star. We have a close contact with Dr. Trimble regarding this matter. Because our all targets (GD 90, KUV 2316-123 and GD 356) proposed for the observation during the AO-2 phase of pointed observations have been approved by the National and International Committee, we have installed the required software at NASA/MSFC to be able to carry out the data analysis in Huntsville. Two of our targets have already been observed (KUV 2316-123 was observed on Dec. 3, 1991 with 10,000 s of the exposure time, and GD 356 was observed on Jan 4, 1992 with 5,000 s of the exposure time). We just received the data and will begin the analysis soon. The results of our analysis will be reported to the scientific community by publishing papers in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. Our intention is to submit a paper when the analysis of the data taken during AO2 is completed. The data taken during the observation of EG 250 will be a part of this paper.



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