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Protostellar Collapse with a Shock




The first approaches in time the expansion wave solution of Shu, while the second class is characterized by an ever-decreasing central accretion rate and the presence of an outwardly propagating weak shock. The collapse solution which represents the dividing case between these two classes is determined analytically by a similarity analysis. This solution shares with the expansion wave solution the properties that the gas remains stationary with an r(sup -2) density profile at large radius and that, at small radius, the gas free-falls onto a nascent core at a constant rate which depends only on the isothermal sound speed. This accretion rate is a factor of approx. 0.1 that predicted by the expansion wave solution. This reduction is due in part to the presence of a weak shock which propagates outward at 1.26 times the sound speed. Gas in the postshock region first moves out subsonically but is then decelerated and begins to collapse. The existence of two classes of numerical collapse solutions is explained in terms of the instability to radial perturbations of the analytical solution.



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