首页> 美国政府科技报告 >The unique radar scattering properties of silicic lava flows and domes

The unique radar scattering properties of silicic lava flows and domes




Silicic (silica-rich) lava flows, such as rhyolite, rhyodacite, and dacite, possess unique physical properties primarily because of the relatively high viscosity of the molten lava. Silicic flows tend to be thicker than basaltic flows, and the resulting large-scale morphology is typically a steep-sided dome or flow lobe, with aspect ratios (height/length) sometimes approaching unity. The upper surfaces of silicic domes and flows are normally emplaced as relatively cool, brittle slabs that fracture as they are extruded from the central vent areas, and are then rafted away toward the flow margin as a brittle carapace above a more ductile interior layer. This mode of emplacement results in a surface with unique roughness characteristics, which can be well-characterized by multiparameter synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observations. In this paper, we examine the scattering properties of several silicic domes in the Inyo volcanic chain in the Eastern Sierra of California, using AIRSAR and TOPSAR data. Field measurements of intermediate-scale (cm to tens of m) surface topography and block size are used to assess the mechanisms of the scattering process, and to quantify the unique roughness characteristics of the flow surfaces.



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