首页> 美国政府科技报告 >The Stiffness Properties of Stressed Fabrics as Obtained from Model Tests

The Stiffness Properties of Stressed Fabrics as Obtained from Model Tests




The stiffness properties of a nylon-neoprene fabric material subjected to uniaxial, biaxial, or shear stresses as obtained from tests of simple models are presented. The stiffness properties are applicable to problems involving applied loads after the fabric is in an initial state of biaxial tension such as occurs upon inflation. The results demonstrate the inadequacy of uniaxial tests i n obtaining the stiffness properties to be used in the design and analysis of inflatable fabric structures. In order to obtain proper stiffness values for use in the design and analysis of stressed fabric structures, tests of simple models of the type presented herein, subjected to stress conditions similar t o those anticipated in the full-scale design, are recommended .



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