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Split-C and active messages under SUNMOS on the Intel Paragon




The compute power of the individual nodes of massively parallel systems increases steadily, while network latencies and bandwidth have not improved as quickly. Many researches believe that it is necessary to use explicit message passing in order to get the best possible performance out of these systems. High level parallel languages are shunned out of fear they might compromise performance. In this paper we have a look at one such language called Split-C. It fits into a middle ground between efforts such as High Performance Fortran (HPF) and explicit message passing. HPF tries to hide the underlying architecture from the programmer and let the compiler and the run time system make decision about parallelization, location of data, and the mechanisms used to transfer the data from one node to another. On the other hand, explicit message passing leaves all the decision to the programmer. Split-C allows access to a global address space, but leaves the programmer in control of the location of data, and offers a clear cost model for data access. Split-C is based on Active Messages. We have implemented both under the SUNMOS operating system on the Intel Paragon. We will discuss performance issues of Split-C and make direct comparisons to the Thinking Machines CM-5 implementation. We will also scrutinize Active Messages, discuss their properties and drawbacks, and show that other mechanisms can be used to support Split-C.



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