首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Full scale relativistic ab initio time dependent caculations for the the L-K vacancy transfer in 208 MeV Ni(sup 23+) on Ge solid target

Full scale relativistic ab initio time dependent caculations for the the L-K vacancy transfer in 208 MeV Ni(sup 23+) on Ge solid target

机译:对Ge固体靶上208 meV Ni(sup 23+)中L-K空位转移的全尺度相对论ab initio时间依赖性计算



We present full scale ab initio relativistic calculations for the L-K vacancy transfer in collisions of 208 MeV Ni(sup 23+) on Ge-solid target. Our time dependent Dirac-Fock-Slater method allows to achieve a very accurate quantitative explanation for the experimental impact parameter-dependent Ni-K and Ge-K vacancy probabilities recently measured at GSI. Darmstadt in terms of dynamic creation and annihilation of Ni n=2 shell vacancies in the collision. Our calculations reveal that both the radial and rotational coupling between the molecular levels contribute to the L-K vacancy transfer. (orig.)



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