首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Solar Wind Sputtering of Lunar Soil Analogs: The Effect of Ionic Charge and Mass.

Solar Wind Sputtering of Lunar Soil Analogs: The Effect of Ionic Charge and Mass.




In this contribution we report sput-tering measurements of anorthite, an analog material representative of the lunar highlands, by singly and multicharged ions representative of the solar wind. The ions investigated include protons, as well as singly and multicharged Ar ions (as proxies for the heavier solar wind constituents), in the charge state range +1 to +9, and had a fixed solar-wind-relevant impact velocity of approximately 310 km/s or 500 eV/ amu. The goal of the measurements was to determine the sputtering contribution of the heavy, multicharged minority solar wind constituents in comparison to that due to the dominant H+ fraction.



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