首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Existing reactor water plant study -- B, C, D, DR, F and H reactors interim report

Existing reactor water plant study -- B, C, D, DR, F and H reactors interim report




The five year forecast for operation of the HAPO reactors calls for the achievement of increased process water flows in B, C, D, DR, F and H reactors. The Process Design Operation has initiated a study in support of this forecast whose objectives are: to determine present water plant and effluent system flow capabilities; to provide basic data for determining the ultimate economic optimum flow capability of these plants; and-to provide a basis for scope and development work preliminary to the initiation of any required project action. The present I&E slug program has pointed up the need for such a study of increased flows in order to take advantage of the lower system resistance of the I&E, slugs. Initial studies have indicated that considerable development work and testing is required in order to determine the most economical method of achieving increased process water flows. For this reason, CGI-815 ''Increased Water Capacity, 100-B, C, D, M, F and H'' was initiated. This interim report presents the information on the first goal of the study, namely the present capabilities of the existing water plant systems and equipment. The reactor study program has been reported separately in HW-57737. Conditions which may be encountered in the reactor such as corrosion and temperature limits which could limit the ultimate optimum water plant expansion are not reflected in the data presented herein.



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