首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Chemistry of Sulfur in Char and the Implications for Hydrogasification/Hydrodesulfurization

Chemistry of Sulfur in Char and the Implications for Hydrogasification/Hydrodesulfurization




Experimental results, which elucidate the factors which govern the equilibrium distribution of sulfur between organic sulfur in char and gaseous hydrogen sulfide, are presented. These experiments were conducted at between 1200 and 1600 exp 0 F, for values of the ratio (P/sub H sub 2 S//P/sub H sub 2 /) ranging from 1 to 100, atmospheric pressure and for several chars. The rank of the parent coals from which these chars were derived ranged from lignite to anthracite. It is shown that the partial pressure ratio (P/sub H sub 2 S//P/sub H sub 2 /) is the pressure-dependent parameter which governs the extent of char sulfidation. It is also shown that the extent of char sulfidation is not uniquely dependent upon char surface area, but decreases with increasing rank of the char, and the rank of the coal from which the char is derived. Char sulfidation is shown to be a reversible process. The kinetics of char desulfurization are shown to be a function of the physiochemical history of the char - i.e., char desulfurization is a path-dependent process. The analogy between the chemistries of oxygen and sulfur in char are explored, and the implications for coal sulfur management are outlined. (ERA citation 05:005228)



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