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Delta 1 exp 0 X 2 exp 0 NTMS Area, Utah: Data Report (Abbreviated)

机译:Delta 1 exp 0 X 2 exp 0 NTms area,Utah:数据报告(简称)



Results of ground water and stream/surface sediment reconnaissance in the National Topographic Map Series Delta 1 exp 0 x 2 exp 0 quadrangle are presented. Surface sediment samples were collected at 1311 sites, at a target sampling density of 1 site/13 exp 2 kilometers. Ground water samples were collected at 140 sites. Neutron activation analysis results are given for U and 16 other elements in sediments, and for U and 9 other elements in ground water. Mass spectrometry results are given for He in ground water. Data from ground water sites include: water chemistry measurements; (pH, conductivity, and alkalinity); physical measurements where applicable (water temperature, well description, and scintillometer reading); and elemental analyses (U, Al, Br, Cl, Dy, F, He, Mg, Mn, Na, and V). Data from sediment sites include: stream water chemistry measurements from sites where water was available; and elemental analyses for sediment samples (U, Th, Hf, Al, Ce, Dy, Eu, Fe, La, Lu, Mn, Sc, Sm, Na, Ti, V, and Yb). Sample site descriptors are also tabulated. Areal distribution maps, histograms, and cumulative frequency plots for most elements; U/Th, U/Hf, U/(Th + Hf), and U/La rations; and scintillometer readings at sediment sample sites are included on the microfiche. U concentrations in sediments of the Delta quadrangle are relatively low. The highest U values, up to 37.9 ppM, are in samples which also have relatively high Th contents. This suggests that most of the U in these samples is held within monazite crystals. Most of these samples with the highest U/Th ratios are from flat-lying valley areas; therefore, the U may have precipitated from ground or surface waters. Several ground-water samples have anomalously high (up to 55.6 ppB) U concentrations. Two of the anomalous samples were collected in the northeast portion of the quadrangle which is underlain by Miocene granite rocks. (ERA citation 05:037676)



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