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Unification of Boson Expansion Theories. (III) Applications

机译:博森扩张理论的统一。 (III)申请



A general scheme of constructing boson expansions that was proposed in earlier work is applied to a number or examples. The Fukutome expansion is obtained by considering the spinor representation of the SO(2N+1) group. Its hermitian, Holstein-Primakofr-type version is also derived. The generalized Dyson expansions for even and odd fermion systems are given in terms of two spinor representations of the SO(2N) group. For fixed fermion number systems the relevant boson expansions are obtained by considering the fundamental representations of SU(N) while for fixed seniority those of Sp(N) are concerned. The collective boson expansions corresponding to the Ginocchio model, the interacting boson model of Arima and Iachello and the Elliot model are given for the symmetric representations of SO(8) and SU(1+1) and any representation of SU. (Atomindex citation 13:690891)



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