首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Cofiring of Refuse-Derived Fuel and Coal at Oak Creek. Volume 1. Boiler Corrosion Evaluation. Final Report

Cofiring of Refuse-Derived Fuel and Coal at Oak Creek. Volume 1. Boiler Corrosion Evaluation. Final Report




A 4000-hour controlled-temperature probe evaluation was conducted to determine the long term impact of co-firing coal and refuse derived fuel (RDF) on corrosion of boiler materials in Oak Creek Unit 7 of Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WEPCO). The evaluation was jointly sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and WEPCO. Two horizontal superheater probes are divided into two sections: a water-cooled supporting shank and the air-cooled sample section which consists of cylindrical 2 in. diameter specimens threaded together to form the test superheater element. The test probe metal temperature is regulated and monitored by means of thermocouples embedded in the specimen walls. The two waterwall probes each consist of five similar cylindrical test specimens mounted vertically in the plane of the furnace wall. The low-temperature probes have split ring specimens mounted around a central fluid-filled core, the temperature of which is maintained by means of an immersed cooling coil. Evaluations included weight loss, penetration, and metallurgical examination as well as chemical examination of selected deposits. While wastage increased with increasing metal temperatures, no significant wastage was attributable to the 10 to 15% replacement of coal by RDF. Future plans include slag and deposit analysis and exposure of additional probes. (ERA citation 06:033088)



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