首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Light Composite Fermions in a Dynamical Subquark Model of Pregauge Interactions

Light Composite Fermions in a Dynamical Subquark Model of Pregauge Interactions




The masses of composite leptons and quarks are discussed in a ''dynamical subquark model of pregauge interactions''. In this model, the leptons and quarks are made of a spinor subquark and a scalar subquark with an equal mass, M, and the gauge boson of the SU(3)sub(C) x SU(2)sub(L) x U(1)sub(Y) model are made of a subquark-antisubquark pair. A specific mechanism of generating an approximate global chiral symmetry of a composite lepton or quark is presented. The SU(2)sub(L) x U(1)sub(Y) symmetry is spontaneously broken due to the appearance of the composite Higgs scalar and the (scalar) subquark mass, M, is in turn bounded as M < 5.4 TeV (=2 pi (6 sqrt 2 G sub(F)sup(-1))sup(1/2) where G sub(F) is the Fermi coupling constant). The spontaneously generated mass of a lepton or quark, m, is given by m -- alpha sub(em)( sqrt 2 G sub(F)sup(-1))sup(1/2) where alpha sub(em) is the fine structure constant. The anomalous magnetic moments and ''anomalous weak charged currents of the V + A form'' of the leptons and quarks due to their substructure are estimated to be of order ( alpha sub(em)/ pi ) (m/M) exp 2 . A lower bound on the subquark mass: M > 27.6 GeV (N sub(g) = 3), 30.6 GeV (N sub(g) = 4) is given by the experimental data of the deviation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from the expected one in QEWD. The number, N sub(g), is the total number of the scalar subquarks and is assumed to represent the number of generations of the leptons and quarks. In this class of the dynamical model, the unification of the SU(2)sub(L) x U(1)sub(Y) theory and the SU(3)sub(C) theory takes place. The Weinberg angle, sin exp 2 theta sub(w), and the gluon coupling, alpha sub(c), are determined to be: sin exp 2 theta sub(w) = 3N sub(g)/(2(4 + 3N sub(g))) and alpha sub(c) = (4 + 3N sub(g)) alpha sub(em)/6, which coincide with those predicted in the unified SU(5) gauge theory if there exist four generations of the leptons and quarks (N sub. (Atomindex citation 14:804297)



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