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Systematic Control of Large Computer Programs. CCL, UPDATE, And FORTRAN Procedures

机译:大型计算机程序的系统控制。 CCL,UpDaTE和FORTRaN程序



A package of CCL, UPDATE, and FORTRAN procedures is described which facilitates the systematic control and development of large scientific computer programs. The package provides a general tool box for this purpose which contains many conveniences for the systematic administration of files, editing, reformating of line printer output files, etc. In addition, a small number of procedures is devoted to the problem of structured development of a large computer program which is used by a group of scientists. The essence of the method is contained in three procedures N, R, and X for the creation of a new UPDATE program library, its revision, and execution, resp., and a procedure REVISE which provides a joint editor - UPDATE session which combines the advantages of the two systems, viz. speed and rigor. 9 references, 5 figures. (ERA citation 12:042750)



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