首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Development of Composite Polymer-Glass Edge Claddings for Nova Laser Disks

Development of Composite Polymer-Glass Edge Claddings for Nova Laser Disks

机译:新型激光磁盘复合聚合物 - 玻璃边缘覆层的研制



Large Nd:glass laser disks for disk amplifiers require an edge cladding which absorbs at 1 mu m. This cladding prevents edge reflections from causing parasitic oscillations that would otherwise deplete the gain. We have developed a composite polymer-glass edge cladding that consists of absorbing glass strips bonded to the edges of laser glass disks using an epoxy adhesive. The edge cladding must survive a fluence of approximately 20 J/cm sup 2 in a 0.5-ms pulse. Failure can occur either by decomposition of the polymer or by mechanical failure from thermal stresses which leads to bond delamination. An epoxy has been developed that gives the required damage resistance, refractive index match and processing characteristics. A slight tilt of the disk edges greatly reduces the threat from parasitic oscillations and a glass surface treatment is used to promote bond adhesion. Laser disks fabricated with this new cladding show identical gain performance to disks using conventional fused-glass cladding and have been tested for over 2000 shots (equivalent to about a 4-year lifetime on Nova) without degradation. 43 refs., 16 figs., 3 tabs. (ERA citation 13:007698)



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