首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Separation and Recovery of Transuranium Elements from Liquid Wastes Produced by the Casaccia (Italy) Plutonium Plant.

Separation and Recovery of Transuranium Elements from Liquid Wastes Produced by the Casaccia (Italy) Plutonium Plant.




The TRUEX process, developed by Argonne N.L. (USA), for the treatment of transuranium containing wastes, is based on the use of octyl(phenyl)-N,N'-diisobutylcarbamoilmethylphosphinoxide (CMPO). This report outlines ongoing efforts by the Casaccia Research Center in Rome to develop a TRUEX-like process named TESEO and based on liquid-liquid extraction techniques. The research activities involve: the selective separation of alpha emitters (mainly U, Pu, Am), in order to decrease the alpha activity of the liquid wastes at less than 370 Bq/g (10 nanocuries/g); the recovery of Pu (and in some cases, of uranium 235) in a form suitable to allow its use in the fabrication plant; and the separation of the alpha emitters in a small volume.



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