首页> 美国政府科技报告 >American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) FEMP Technical Assistance U.S. General Services Administration Project 195 John Seiberling Federal Office Building and U.S. Courthouse, Akron, Ohio

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) FEMP Technical Assistance U.S. General Services Administration Project 195 John Seiberling Federal Office Building and U.S. Courthouse, Akron, Ohio

机译:美国恢复和再投资法案(aRRa)FEmp技术援助美国总务管理项目195 John seiberling联邦办公大楼和美国法院大楼,俄亥俄州阿克伦城



This report documents the findings from an onsite audit of the John Seiberling Federal building located in Akron, Ohio. The Federal landlord for this building is the General Services Administration (GSA). The focus of the audit was to identify various no-cost or low-cost energy efficiency opportunities that, once implemented, would reduce in either electrical and gas consumption and increase the operational efficiency of the building. This audit also provided an opportunity to identify potential capital cost projects that should be considered in the to acquire additional energy (electric and gas) and water savings to further increase the operational efficiency of the building.




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