首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Research and Development of an Advanced Personal Load Carriage Measurement System: Phase 4. Section A: Executive Summary - Measurement Systems for Assessment of Personal Load Carriage Systems.

Research and Development of an Advanced Personal Load Carriage Measurement System: Phase 4. Section A: Executive Summary - Measurement Systems for Assessment of Personal Load Carriage Systems.

机译:研究和开发先进的个人载荷运输测量系统:第4阶段.a部分:执行摘要 - 个人载重车系统评估的测量系统。



The Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine (DCIEM) contracted Queen's University to assist in the research and development of an Advanced Personal Load Carriage System (APLCS) in support of two Canadian Forces Soldier Modernization Programs: major crown project D6378 called Integrative Protective Clothing and Equipment (IPCE), and major crown project L2646 called Clothe the Soldier (CTS) Project. In 1995, Queen's University undertook to develop standardized assessment tools as a cost effective and reliable method by which various load carriage equipment designs and components could be tested, evaluated and approved for further military evaluations with representative users in the field. Under the IPCE project, Phases I-III involvement primarily development and validation of the measurement system. Further testing took place to evaluate and improve the prototype CTS load carriage system, add to the research data base and enhance knowledge of pack designs. Each of these projects will be described briefly with relevant outcomes identified. The current contract entitled: Research and Development of an Advanced Personal Load Carriage Measurement System: Phase IV was to improve measurement components and provide sole source ownership to DCIEM, and to develop a further understanding of specific factors that affect load carriage ability. The purpose of the Executive Summary Report is to summarize and document work to date so that DCIEM is aided in the decision-making process for future developments in the area of load carriage.



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