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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Archeological Inventory of the Proposed Vermilion River Dredge Disposal Project area, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana.

机译:第一期文化资源调查和路易斯安那州Lafayette parish建议的Vermilion River Dredge处理项目区的考古库存。



This document presents the results of the Phase I cultural resources survey and archeological inventory of the Vermilion River Dredge Disposal Project Area in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana. The study area consisted of a 372- acre tract of land located along the Vermilion River approximately 0.75 miles east of the town of Lafayette. Cultural survey and inventory of the study area resulted in the identification of two non-site cultural resources loci (VRD-1A- O1 and VRD-1D-O2) and a single newly recorded archeological site (16LY116). In addition, the locations of two previously recorded sites (16LY24 and 16LY50) were revisited. The two non-site cultural resources loci consisted of an isolated prehistoric ceramic shard (VRD-1A-01) and an isolated historic artifact (VRD-1D-02). The single newly recorded archeological site was characterized in the field as an historic artifact scatter with an associated historic structure. Each of the newly identified cultural resources loci and site 16LY116 produced sparse artifact assemblages and the loci lacked both intact cultural deposits and research potential. Therefore, locus VRD-1A-01, locus VRD-1D-02, and site 16LY116 do not possess the qualities of significance as defined by the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation. No additional testing of these non-site loci and newly recorded archeological site is recommended. Of the site locations that were revisited, site 16LY24 previously was described as a multi-component site that contained both prehistoric and historic components, while site 16LY50 consisted of a prehistoric period cultural resource. Intensive pedestrian survey, shovel testing, auger testing, and backhoe trenching were conducted throughout the areas associated with these sites. Because no evidence of intact cultural deposits or research potential was identified at either site, no additional testing of sites 16LY24 and 16LY5O is recommended. (21 tables, 62 figures, extensive bibliography).



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