首页> 美国政府科技报告 >All Nitrogen or High Nitrogen Compounds as High Energy Density Materials

All Nitrogen or High Nitrogen Compounds as High Energy Density Materials




The goals of this research were the identification of potential polynitrogen HEDM candidates and the design of strategies and experimental approaches for their attempted syntheses. This program was a Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) contract with the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Contract FA9550-04-C-0112). It was carried by ERC- Incorporated as the Small Business and the University of Southern California as the Academic Institution. The following goals have been accomplished: (1) The N3+ cation was identified as a promising HEDM target, and the feasibility of different synthetic approaches was evaluated; (2) It was shown that the previously reported claim for a bulk synthesis of N(sub 5)- is invalid, and theoretical calculations were carried out to define favorable approaches for its synthesis; (3) The usefulness of a novel nitrogen-NMR technique for recording 15N-spectra in natural abundance was demonstrated for N(SUB 5)+ and will be very useful for the identification of new polynitrogens. 4. The novel cation, N(sub 2)CN+, has been tentatively identified; (5) Numerous new polyazides have been prepared and characterized and demonstrate the potential of this family of compounds; (6) The novel N(sub 3)NOF+ cation has been prepared and characterized. Tentative evidence has been obtained for the existence of a new exciting, room- temperature-stable (N3)(sub2)N0+ cation; (7) The feasibility of using HOF for the oxygenation of nitrogen atoms was confirmed and has potential applications to polynitrogen chemistry.



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