首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Proceedings of the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting for Era of Hope, Held in Baltimore, Maryland on 25-28 June 2008

Proceedings of the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting for Era of Hope, Held in Baltimore, Maryland on 25-28 June 2008




This meeting represents the collaborative efforts of many people to reduce breast cancer's impact on the lives of all who are affected by the disease. The 2008 meeting highlights the multidisciplinary, high-impact, innovative research that the DOD BCRP has funded in our efforts to eradicate breast cancer. One of the DOD BCRP's most notable hallmarks is the unique collaboration among the research community, breast cancer consumers, and the U.S. Government, This collaborative spirit represents the culmination of hard work initiated and sustained by survivors and advocates, Congress's decision to continue research funding for breast cancer, and the dedication of scientists and clinicians to the programs. This Era of Hope meeting demonstrates the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command's commitment to manage the DOD BCRP in a manner responsive to the vision and equal to the dedication of all our partners.



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