首页> 美国政府科技报告 >ScreenRecorder: A Utility for Creating Screenshot Video Using Only Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Software on Microsoft Windows Systems.

ScreenRecorder: A Utility for Creating Screenshot Video Using Only Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Software on Microsoft Windows Systems.

机译:screenRecorder:用于在microsoft Windows系统上仅使用原始设备制造商(OEm)软件创建屏幕截图视频的实用程序。



Being able to save screenshots directly to a file and to record activity on a desktop or within a specific window is extremely useful for a variety of reasons. Although third-party screen-recording software is readily available online from a variety of sources, such software often presents a security concern and would require administrative permissions to install. This report presents a software utility for capturing series of desktop or window screenshots using only original equipment manufacturer software on systems running Microsoft Windows.



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