首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Achieving National Security Strategy: An Effective Process

Achieving National Security Strategy: An Effective Process




The purpose of this research paper is two-fold: 1) to examine whether the U.S. government is properly organized and equipped at the Executive level, to achieve the goals of the President's National Security Strategy and 2) I will consider whether assigning the lead responsibility of stabilization and the reconstruction of the governments in Iraq and Afghanistan to the U.S. military is sensible, efficient, and necessary to achieve the goals of a National Security Presidential Directive. This paper will briefly describe the elements of national power (i.e. diplomacy, information management, military, and economics) available to attain security strategy objectives. Then it will asses whether the responsibility to manage these elements should rest with a single department of the government or be a shared accountability in which a lead-agency is assigned with other departments providing support as required.



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