首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Local-Rapid Evaluation of Atmospheric Conditions (L-REAC) System, Design and Development. Volume 1 (Proof-of-Concept)

Local-Rapid Evaluation of Atmospheric Conditions (L-REAC) System, Design and Development. Volume 1 (Proof-of-Concept)




The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has been investigating various aspects of the urban environment, including the airflow and stability characterization around a single urban building. Experience and results from these studies have lead to a decision maker tool called the Local-Rapid Evaluation of Atmospheric Conditions (L-REAC) System. The ultimate goal for L- REAC is to improve soldier/civilian situational awareness of environmental hazards during potentially life-threatening events. L-REAC is composed of three subsystems ('Modules') linked by specialized networks. The Modules include: a Sensor Module, which is designed to provide on-site atmospheric data in near- real-time; a Model Module, which interprets this point or grid-sampled sensor data by generating a wind field over a given area within minutes; and an End User Display Module, which interprets the impact of these conditions by constructing a toxic plume over a subject area and communicates the situation to end users. The modular infrastructure is supported by a system network that conveys information from the atmospheric sensors and model results to the end user communications system within minutes. This report briefly describes the foundational research leading up to the L-REAC 'Proof-of-Concept,' as well as the System's design and development. Though this report is mainly concerned with documenting the L-REAC 'Proof-of-Concept,' appendix C describes some of the plans for system improvements and enhancements that are currently underway.



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