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Digital Avionics Information System (DAIS):Current Maintenance Task Analysis.




The equipment used as the basis for performing this maintenance task analysis is a DAIS-configured conceptual design configuration described in Mid-1980s Digital Avionics Information System Conceptual Design Configuration, AFHRL-TR-76-59. It is an avionics design configuration suitable for a close air support (CAS) mission that is based on currently available military inventory but reconfigured in accordance with DAIS concept of sensors communicating with a central processor and integrated controls and displays through a multiplex bus. This report describes the methodology used in obtaining reliability and maintainability (R and M) data; its display in a standardized schematic format called a Maintenance Task Network; the partitioning of the historical R and M factors in accord with the hardware partitioning; and the use of figures of merit, derived from the partitioned R and M data, to rank the subsystems in terms of their impact on mission effectiveness, manpower resources utilization, and operation and maintenance (O and M) costs. The maintenance task analysis will serve as a baseline for a second maintenance task analysis based on a mid-1980s DAIS design configuration. It will provide inputs for an R and M model which will, in conjunction with standard cost factors, permit the computation of O and M costs. It will provide the equipment-related portion of the data needed for the operation of the DAIS training model which will derive the best methods to train the required maintenance manpower. The numerical values derived from the maintenance task analysis appear as the current maintenance task analysis data bank.



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