首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Solar Cyclical Trend Study of the Mid-Latitude, Quiet-Time, Meridional, Neutral Winds at Winter Solstice Conditions.

Solar Cyclical Trend Study of the Mid-Latitude, Quiet-Time, Meridional, Neutral Winds at Winter Solstice Conditions.




Located within the region of the thermosphere is the major portion of the ionosphere. Distribution of the ionospheric plasma within this region is a function of atmospheric mass and energy transport. For the current study, the component of the neutral wind along the magnetic meridian is derived from ground-based ionosonde measurements of the F2 peak layer height. Meridional wind variations with respect to location, universal time, and level of solar activity are the focal points on this investigation. The primary timescale of interest covers a period of one solar cycle, from 1977 to 1987. Data from one station have been extended to 1965 to study the repetitive nature of solar activity on the meridional winds. Results of this study indicate a definite variation of wind speed and direction, which correlates with changing levels of solar activity. It is hoped that the results of this study will aid current efforts to develop ionospheric models and enhance their forecasting capabilities. Theses. (jhd)



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