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Synthesis and Characterization of Tribophysical Layers on Diamond and Silicon Carbide Surfaces.




A new ultrahigh vacuum apparatus, dedicated to the study of the surface chemistry of diamond single crystals, has been completed and the first scientific experiments have been done. This apparatus incorporates XPS, LEED, ESDIAD, HREELS, and TPD facilities for the study of the fluorination and hydrogenation of diamond single crystals. The apparatus is being employed for studies of atomic hydrogen/deuterium adsorption on diamond(100) in initial experiments prior to the use of XeF2 as a fluorinating agent. It is proposed to study the formation of CHx and CFx surface species, the thermal desorption products from these species, the resistance to oxidation by these species, and the functionalization of the diamond surface by fluorinated molecules such as C2F4, NF3, and CF3CF. Collaborative AFM studies of diamond AFM tips sliding over our diamond(100) single crystal are underway, in work being done with Dr. Gary McClelland at IBM Almaden. Frictional studies completed on the non-modified surface will be compared to studies on fluorinated diamond(100).



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