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Leadership, Decision Making, and the Judeo-Christian Ethic.

机译:领导,决策和犹太教 - 基督教伦理。



This study investigates whether the military decision-making qualities, as framed by the professional Army ethic, are endorsed by the Judeo-Christian values system. The author chose the four values of the professional Army ethic (loyalty, duty, selfless service, and integrity) as a research framework. The author investigated a sample of literature on leadership ethics, decision making, and Just War 'Theory in search of a group of decision-making qualities implied by, and resident within, the professional Army ethic. Twelve qualities were uncovered. The author also sampled and analyzed Judeo-Christian literature on leadership, ethics, morality, and decision making. Further, the author considered the lives of five outstanding biblical leaders from within Judeo-Christian history. Joshua, David, Daniel, Nehemiah, and Jesus of Nazareth to determine if the qualities of decision making they manifested in their lives endorsed the general qualities of decision making as framed by the professional Army ethic. The analysis revealed that the four values of the professional Army ethic are easily contained in the Judeo-Christian values system. The author concluded that the Judeo-Christian ethic failed to endorse one quality of the professional Army ethic, partially endorsed one quality, and fully endorsed ten qualities. Decision making, Ethics, Professional Army Ethic Judeo-Christian, Values, Morals.



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