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The Effects Of Minority Command Leadership On Retention Of Minority Junior Officers


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This thesis examines how Minority Commanding Officers and Minority Senior Leadership (O4O6) affect the retention of Junior Officers who are the same minority. The initial hypothesis for this thesis was that there would not be a statistically significant effect between minority demographics and retention of Junior Naval Officers. To measure the role model effect between minority leadership and retention, two models were utilized. These two models yielded 21 different results for the three main minority demographics of African American, Female, and Hispanic and their respective role model retention effects. Of these 21 results, only one, the role model effect for African American Junior Officer serving under an average percentage of African American Senior Leadership, was statistically significant. A one percentage point increase in the percentage of African American Senior Leadership yielded a 0.007 decrease in the likelihood of retention. This result runs counter to the findings of previous studies. Future research is recommended. Policy revisions affecting accessions, promotions, and leadership selection based solely on minority demographics should be placed on hold until further research is conducted.




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