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Pesticides banned in Europe


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Finding out which pesticides are banned, restricted or not approved within the EU is not easy. It relates not only to pesticides withdrawn or not approved under the ongoing regulatory review of existing and new active ingredients (managed by DG Health and Consumer Protection) but also to the EU's notification of specific bans to the Rotterdam Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Convention (handled by DG Environment and the EC Joint Research Centre). To fill this information gap, PAN UK first published a detailed briefing on 'Which pesticides are banned in Europe?' in 2007, updated in 2008. The value of this explanatory guidance to the EU decision making process along with the full list of active ingredients which qualify as bans has been much appreciated by many individuals and organisations, including Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade Labelling Organisation and Unilever. This factsheet updates the table of active ingredients, as of 15 July 2010. New additions since the 2008 PAN Europe factsheet are in bold in the table below.
机译:要找出欧盟内哪些农药被禁止,限制或未批准是不容易的。它不仅涉及对现有和新的有效成分进行日常监管审查而撤销或未批准的农药(由DG健康与消费者保护部管理),还涉及欧盟关于《鹿特丹事先知情同意(PIC)公约》的特定禁令的通知(由DG环境和EC联合研究中心负责)。为了填补这一信息空白,PAN UK首先发布了有关“欧洲哪些农药被禁止使用?”的详细情况介绍。于2007年更新,于2008年更新。此说明性指南对欧盟决策过程的价值以及符合禁令的有效成分的完整清单,已受到许多个人和组织的赞赏,包括雨林联盟,公平贸易标签组织和联合利华。本情况说明书截至2010年7月15日更新了有效成分表。自2008年PAN Europe情况说明书以来的新增功能在下表中以粗体显示。



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