
Environmental/lifestyle effects on spermatogenesis


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The high incidence of low sperm counts in young (European) men and evidence for declining sperm counts in recent decades mean that the environmental/lifestyle impact on spermatogenesis is an important health issue. This review assesses potential causes involving adverse effects on testis development in perinatal life (primarily effects on Sertoli cell number), which are probably irrevers-ible, or effects on the process of spermatogenesis in adulthood, which are probably mainly reversible. Several lifestyle-related (obesity, smoking) and environmental (exposure to traffic exhaust fumes, dioxins, combustion products) factors appear to negatively affect both the perinatal and adult testes, emphasizing the importance of environmental/lifestyle impacts throughout the life course. Apart from this, public concern about adverse effects of environmental chemicals (ECs) (pesticides, food additives, persistent pollutants such as DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls) on sperm-atogenesis in adult men are, in general, not supported by the available data for humans. Where adverse effects of ECs have been shown, they are usually in an occupational setting rather than applying to the general population. In contrast, a modern Western lifestyle (sedentary work/lifestyle, obesity) is potentially damaging to sperm production. Spermatogenesis in normal men is poorly organized and inefficient so that men are poorly placed to cope with environmental/lifestyle insults.
机译:年轻人(欧洲)男性精子数量低的高发率以及最近几十年来精子数量下降的证据表明,环境/生活方式对精子发生的影响是重要的健康问题。这篇综述评估了可能对围生期睾丸发育产生不利影响的潜在原因(主要是对支持细胞的数量的影响),这可能是不可逆的,或者对成年期生精过程的影响可能是可逆的。几种与生活方式有关的(肥胖,吸烟)和环境因素(对交通废气,二恶英,燃烧产物的暴露)似乎对围产期和成年睾丸都有负面影响,强调了在整个生命过程中环境/生活方式影响的重要性。除此之外,公众对环境化学物质(农药,杀虫剂,食品添加剂,DDT等持久性污染物,多氯联苯的不利影响)对成年男性精子发生的不利影响的公众关注通常不受人类可用数据的支持。 。在已显示出EC的不利影响的地方,它们通常处于职业背景,而不适用于一般人群。相反,现代西方生活方式(固定工作/生活方式,肥胖)可能会对精子生产造成损害。正常男性的精子发生组织不良且效率低下,因此男性不能很好地应对环境/生活方式的侮辱。



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