首页> 外文期刊>Petroleum Science and Technology >Volume-averaged Mass Equations for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media for In Situ Combustion

Volume-averaged Mass Equations for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media for In Situ Combustion


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The multiphase flow of oil, water, and gas through porous media is presented when the in situ combustion technique is applied in oil reservoirs. This technique implies phenomena such as phase change, chemical reactions, and heat transfer, among others. The mathematical modeling of such a technique requires the deduction of mass, momentum, and energy equations, taking into account the phenomena mentioned. In this work the volume-averaged mass transport equations for gas (gj, oil (o), and water (w) flowing simultaneously through a homogeneous, isotropic, rigid, and nonpermeable porous media (s) were obtained. The mass equation for the deposited coke in the porous media was also obtained. To obtain the equations, the local mass equations for phases as well as their corresponding jump conditions were used as starting point. We took the following into account: (a) the gas compressibility, (b) the mass generation of coke due to the chemical reaction of oil, (c) the mass generation of gas due to the combustion reaction between coke and oxygen, and (d) the mass transfer due to the phase change of oil and water. To obtain closed mass equations, phase change expressions for water and oil were proposed.
机译:当在油藏中应用原位燃烧技术时,将呈现出油,水和气通过多孔介质的多相流。该技术隐含诸如相变,化学反应和热传递等现象。考虑到上述现象,这种技术的数学建模需要推导质量,动量和能量方程。在这项工作中,获得了同时流过均质,各向同性,刚性和不可渗透的多孔介质的气体(gj,油(o)和水(w))的体积平均质量传输方程。为了获得方程,以相的局部质量方程及其相应的跃变条件为起点,我们考虑了以下因素:(a)气体可压缩性,(b )由于石油的化学反应而产生的大量焦炭;(c)由于焦炭和氧气之间的燃烧反应而产生的大量气体;以及(d)由于油和水的相变而引起的质量转移。为了得到封闭的质量方程,提出了水和油的相变表达式。



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