首页> 外文期刊>Petroleum Science and Technology >Estimating Flow Patterns and Frictional Pressure Losses of Two-Phase Fluids in Horizontal Wellbores Using Artificial Neural Networks

Estimating Flow Patterns and Frictional Pressure Losses of Two-Phase Fluids in Horizontal Wellbores Using Artificial Neural Networks


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Underbalanced drilling achieved by gasified fluids is a very commonly used technique in many petroleum-engineering applications. This study estimates the flow patterns and frictional pressure losses of two-phase fluids flowing through horizontal annular geometries using artificial neural networks rather than using conventional mechanistic models. Experimental data is collected from experiments conducted at METU-PETE Flow Loop as well as data from literature in order to train the artificial neural networks. Flow is characterized using superficial Reynolds numbers for both liquid and gas phase for simplicity. The results showed that artificial neural networks could estimate flow patterns with an accuracy of + - 5 percent, and frictional pressure losses with an error less than + - 30 percent. It is also observed that proper selection of artificial neural networks is important for accurate estimations.
机译:由气化流体实现的欠平衡钻井是许多石油工程应用中非常常用的技术。这项研究使用人工神经网络而不是使用传统的力学模型来估计流过水平环形几何体的两相流体的流型和摩擦压力损失。实验数据是从METU-PETE Flow Loop进行的实验中收集的,以及来自文献的数据,以便训练人工神经网络。为了简单起见,使用液相和气相的表面雷诺数来表征流动。结果表明,人工神经网络可以估计流量模式,精度为±5%,而摩擦压力损失的误差小于±30%。还观察到,正确选择人工神经网络对于准确估计很重要。



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