
Liquid crystals


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LIQUID crystals have come into prominence in last decade mainly on account of their wide use in flat panels of TVs, Computer Monitors, Smart Phones Displays, Touch Screen, Table Computers etc. However , the discovery of liquid crystals goes back to 1888 when Austrian botanical physiologist Friedrich Reinitzer working at Charles University in Prague, examined the physico-chemical properties of various derivatives of cholesterol, now known as cholesteric liquid crystals. 3 important features of cholesteric liquid crystals were discussed by him viz. the existence of two melting points, reflection of circularly polarized light and the ability to rotate the polarization direction of light. His work was followed by German chemist Daniel Vorlander. He, by 1935 had synthesized most of the liquid crystals known. Commercialisation of the discovery started in 1962 at RCA Laboratories who started development of flat panel electronic displays. Very soon, these panels replaced cathode ray vacuum tube in televisions. LCD use in electronic products designing was started in 1973. It led to winning of Nobel Prize by Pierre-Gilles de Gennes in 1991. Around 1994, the utility of liquid crystals was realised vide target 2020 scenario projected for interface reproduced below.
机译:液态晶体在近十年来已经引起人们的关注,主要是由于它们广泛地用于电视,计算机显示器,智能手机显示器,触摸屏,台式计算机等平板显示器中。然而,液晶的发现可追溯到1888年,当时奥地利布拉格查尔斯大学的生理学家弗里德里希·雷尼泽(Friedrich Reinitzer)检查了胆固醇的各种衍生物的理化性质,这些胆固醇现在被称为胆甾型液晶。他讨论了胆甾型液晶的三个重要特征。存在两个熔点,圆偏振光的反射和旋转光偏振方向的能力。德国化学家丹尼尔·沃兰德(Daniel Vorlander)紧随其后。到1935年,他已经合成了大多数已知的液晶。该发现的商业化始于1962年的RCA实验室,后者开始开发平板电子显示器。很快,这些面板取代了电视中的阴极射线管。 LCD于1973年开始在电子产品设计中使用。它导致1991年获得Pierre-Gilles de Gennes的诺贝尔奖。在1994年左右,液晶的实用性实现了根据目标2020年设想的方案,其接口复制如下。



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