首页> 外文期刊>Systematic Biology >Phylogeny of the beaked whale genus Mesoplodon (Ziphiidae: Cetacea) revealed by nuclear introns: implications for the evolution of male tusks

Phylogeny of the beaked whale genus Mesoplodon (Ziphiidae: Cetacea) revealed by nuclear introns: implications for the evolution of male tusks


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With 14 species currently recognized, the beaked whale genus Mesoplodon (family Ziphiidae) is the most speciose in the order Cetacea. Beaked whales are widely distributed but are rarely seen at sea due to their oceanic distribution, deep-diving capacity, and apparent low abundance. Morphological differentiation among Mesoplodon species is relatively limited, with the exception of tooth form in adult males. Based on scarring patterns, males appear to use their tusk-like teeth as weapons in aggressive encounters with other males. Females are effectively toothless. We used sequences from seven nuclear introns (3348 base pairs) to construct a robust and highly resolved phylogeny, which was then used as a framework to test predictions from four hypotheses seeking to explain patterns of Mesoplodon tusk morphology and/or the processes that have driven the diversification of this genus: (1) linear progression of tusk form; (2) allopatric speciation through isolation in adjacent deep-sea canyons; (3) sympatric speciation through sexual selection on tusks; and (4) selection for species-recognition cues. Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian reconstructions confirmed the monophyly of the genus and revealed that what were considered ancestral and derived tusk forms have in fact arisen independently on several occasions, contrary to predictions from the linear-progression hypothesis. Further, none of the three well-supported species clades was confined to a single ocean basin, as might have been expected from the deep-sea canyon-isolation or sexual-selection hypotheses, and some species with similar tusks have overlapping distributions, contrary to predictions from the species-recognition hypothesis. However, the divergent tusk forms and sympatric distributions of three of the four sister-species pairs identified suggest that sexual selection on male tusks has likely played an important role in this unique radiation, although other forces are clearly also involved. To our knowledge, this is the first time that sexual selection has been explicitly implicated in the radiation of a mammalian group outside terrestrial ungulates.
机译:喙鲸Mesoplodon属(Ziphiidae科)目前有14种,是鲸类中最特殊的一种。喙鲸分布广泛,但由于其海洋分布,深潜能力和明显的低丰度,因此在海上很少见到。除了成年雄性的牙齿形状外,中胚层物种之间的形态分化相对有限。根据疤痕的形态,雄性在与其他雄性的aggressive碰中似乎会使用象牙一样的牙齿作为武器。女性实际上没有牙齿。我们使用来自七个核内含子(3348个碱基对)的序列构建了一个强大且高度分辨的系统发育系统,然后将其用作框架,以测试来自四个假设的预测,这些假设旨在解释介孢素象牙形态和/或驱动过程该属的多样化:(1)象牙形式的线性发展; (2)通过隔离在相邻的深海峡谷中进行异源物种形成; (3)通过对象牙进行性选择而形成同胞形态; (4)选择物种识别线索。最大似然法和贝叶斯重建法证实了该属的单义性,并揭示了实际上被视为祖先和派生的象牙形式在几种情况下独立出现,这与线性进展假说的预测相反。此外,正如深海峡谷隔离或性别选择假说所预期的那样,三个支撑良好的物种进化支中没有一个被限制在一个大洋盆内,而且某些具有类似similar牙的物种具有重叠的分布,与之相反。物种识别假说的预测。然而,确定的四个姊妹物种对中的三个的不同的象牙形式和同族分布表明,尽管其他力量显然也参与其中,但雄性象牙上的性别选择可能在这种独特的辐射中发挥了重要作用。据我们所知,这是第一次有选择地明确涉及到陆生有蹄类动物以外的哺乳动物群体的辐射。



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